If your employment has been involuntarily terminated, you may be given an agreement to sign in exchange for a monetary payment. This is often called a severance agreement or separation agreement. By signing such an agreement, you could be waiving important legal rights and agreeing to additional promises that could create legal risks for you in the future. It is in your best interest to have the agreement reviewed by an experienced employment attorney before signing so that you can make an informed decision. Attorneys at Virginia & Ambinder have the comprehensive experience to assess the terms of a severance agreement and monetary amount for reasonableness and walk you through the agreement step by step to ensure you understand the terms. We also may be able to negotiate on your behalf to increase the monetary award and revise the terms to better protect your rights and interests.
Guidance from an experienced employment attorney is just as important if you are given an employment agreement to sign upon starting a new job or position. In addition to setting forth your compensation and benefits, these agreements often contain non-compete and non-solicitation provisions that can restrict your options for future employment. Attorneys at Virginia & Ambinder can ensure the agreement accurately reflects promises made to you and that you fully understand its terms. Our attorneys can also recommend revisions to the agreements to better protect your interests and negotiate on your behalf. This can be especially important if you are subject to a non-compete or non-solicitation agreement with a former employer or if you are being compensated for bonuses and stock options lost by leaving your current job.
Contact us to schedule a free and confidential initial consultation to learn more about how we can help. Our office hours are 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., with weekend and late-evening appointments available by pre-arrangement.