On October 11, 2022, the Virginia & Ambinder team attended an event hosted by Fordham Law School honoring the lives of Joseph J. Vitale and Marc Tenenbaum, two men who dedicated their lives to promoting workers’ and unions’ rights. Charles R. Virginia, co-founding partner of Virginia & Ambinder LLP and a close friend and colleague to both Vitale and Tenenbaum, organized the event and played an instrumental role in creating the Joseph Vitale Labor Law Fellowship. This fellowship, supported by Vitale and Virginia’s fellow members of the Fordham School of Law class of 1989, the Tenenbaum family, and trade unions, will fund law students who seek to devote their summer to public service work through labor unions in the New York area – emulating the work passionately performed by both Vitale and Tenenbaum throughout their long and successful careers as labor litigators.
Virginia & Ambinder fondly remembers Marc Tenenbaum, a former Partner and member of the firm for 13 years, and sincerely thanks the Tenenbaum family for their attendance at the event.
Click here to make a gift to the Joseph Vitale '89 Labor Fellowship.