By Inés Cruz and Leonor Hidalgo Coyle
As New Yorkers ring for 2023, they also welcome higher minimum wage rates for some regions.

As New Yorkers ring for 2023, they also welcome higher minimum wage rates for some regions.

The rate to be received, depends on three main aspects:

  1. The region/county where you work.
  2. If your job is subject to tips; and
  3. How many employees are working for the employer.

The 2023 minimum wage rates are:

1. New York City:

For this year, regardless of the number of employees working at the workplace, the minimum wage rate remains at $15.00 per hour.

If you are a tipped employee, the minimum wage and tip credits are now as follows:

  1. $12.50 /hr in cash wage for service workers (plus, tips must be equivalent to at least $2.50/hr); 
  2. $10.00/hr in cash wage for food service workers (plus, tips must be equivalent to at least $5.00/hr).

2. Long Island and Westchester Counties

  1. For non-tipped workers: The minimum wage rate is $15.00 per hour.
  2. Tipped workers, the minimum wage credit is as follows:
  • $12.50/hr in cash wage for service workers (plus, tips must be equivalent to at least $2.50/hr);
  • $10.00/hr in cash wage for food service workers (plus, tips must be equivalent to at least $5.00/hr).

3. New York State

  1. For non- tipped workers: The minimum wage rate increased to $14.20 per hour.
  2. Tipped workers, the minimum wage credit is as follows:  
  • $11.85/hr in cash wages for service workers (plus, tips must be equivalent to at least $2.35/hr); 
  • $9.45/hr in cash wages for restaurant food service workers (plus, tips must be equivalent to at least $4.75/hr).


NOTE FOR HOME CARE AIDES’ WORKERS: Since October 1, 2022, there is a $2.00 increase per hour above the minimum hour rate.

REMINDER: In 2021, the tip credit was eliminated for employees of nail salons, porters, car washes and other industries. They must receive the full minimum wage rate per hour from their employer.

Regardless of your immigration status, you have the right to receive the right minimum wage rate according to the law.

If you have any questions regarding the wage rate you must receive, or for any inquiries related to whether your employer is paying you the right rate, please do not hesitate to contact us. All consultations are free and confidential. Happy New Year!


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